Mob Wife Love's Mom Called Her 'Satan's Spawn'

Renee is "threatened" by Junior via a written letter so she can
show how strong she is by how she deals with the issue.
Well, so much for that. It looks like mob wives can't be bothered writing show recaps.

Last week, VHI announced that each week a mob wife would recap the show, providing that wife's own particular spin on the analysis. Ramona Rizzo wrote the first recap, but we see that Mob Wives – Episode 3 – VH1 Blog was written by Elizabeth Black, who as far as is known is not a mob wife -- unless she is the surprise "other" new mob wife Jen Graziano announced many months ago, then said not another word about; this  "second" new mob wife also hasn't appeared on the show, either, so we may still be in for a late-breaking appearance by one of the Gotti ladies... or not.

Also, to stick our two cents in, we think once again Renee is blowing things way out of proportion. Junior is the one that's hunted -- he's the Virgil Sollozzo of the group. And his letter obviously was a response to AJ's telling him about how Reneeis trying to turn their son against him, meaning Junior Pagan, although how Pagan could not have seen this coming is surprising...

Pagan has something in common
with Sollozzo of "The Godfather."
And by the way: How many times does Love 'Satan's Spawn' Majewski need to reiterate that she has stabbed, shot and poisoned several men formerly in her life, including not-gangster Ray Merolle? Does she not realize how foolish she looks when she describes herself as a total loony tune, repeatedly, actually threatening Carla's life on the show for absolutely no reason at all??? (Speaking of which, are there not laws against that?) We are also interested in the love triangle Love mentions; we have heard about the Love-Chris Paciello-Roxanne Rizzo triangle, but not the Love-Carla-whomever one. We'll have to hit the books and Internet. But bottom line: no wonder Love is still single... though we do wonder how she's not in prison...

I don't know... All this heightened drama and tension of the third season seems almost desperate, and sort of makes us wonder if the memory of Mob Wives Chicago's fate is foremost on the minds of the producers and cast of "Mob Wives," and that the ladies are doing all they can to make sure this show stays on the air. We don't think they need to worry about that, in any event...

Time to move on.

After Renee receives a letter from Junior, she takes off looking for someone, anyone, to comfort her, and she finds Ramona, mid-blowout, at the hair salon. She reads the letter to Ramona, explaining that “this letter confirms that I have a future problem,” because in it, Junior basically threatens her and tells her she’s going to be in real trouble if she turns their son, AJ, against him.

“Just those few little words have got me feeling very, very afraid,” Renee says.

Ramona’s more concerned about where Junior actually is, because he’s supposed to be in jail and his letters are supposed to be monitored by the government, and yet this one, full of threats, managed to get out. Yeah, that’s not comforting at all. “I’m gonna lose it,” Renee tells Ramona, and hello, we would all lose it in that situation. “He’s gonna kill me.”

“I can’t notify the authorities because I’m not a rat like Junior,” Renee says, but the only other people she could turn to in this situation are, well, Junior himself, or her dad who’s back in prison thanks to Junior. “Who do you speak to about making sure this person does not come back and f—ing kill you?” she wonders.

Over at Love‘s house, Karen, Love, and Love’s mom are all reminiscing about the things they used to do as kids. Karen talks about the time they lit Ramona’s dad’s car on fire, and Love says “My mother used to call me Satan’s spawn.” This makes me feel pret-ty dull as a tween, I used to read Babysitter’s Club books. Cough.

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