VH1 Offers "Mob Wives" Recaps Written by Cast

VH1 is really recognizing the popularity of "Mob Wives" within the blogosphere, first offering us a weekly "best tweets" source and now even "the weekly show recap," but with a twist: every week, the VH1 blog will post a  recap of the show -- only it will be written by a mob wife, presumably a different one each week, in a game sort of like musical recaps...

VH1 Blog: This season, the VH1 Blog is lucky enough to have the participation of the Mob Wives cast who will be commenting on every episode of the show. This week, Ramona Rizzo is taking to her keyboard to give us her opinions on episode two, and on the journey that she and all the other mob wives are taking -- on that rocky road called love.

RAMONA RIZZO: We often forget that an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband are an ex for a reason…they are to be put in the past. I as well as so many other females have been caught up and put on an emotional roller coaster ride. In doing so, we often get side tracked from our main focus and the things they’ve done to us such as cheating on us, lying to us and some, like Renee and myself, have had to deal with domestic violence in their relationship.

We can talk forever on how men have hurt us in so many ways and each female will have their own story. The fact is even though all the ladies on the show don’t get along, we have things in common, one being we are all strong and we are making our way to support our families. Basically we are doing what we have to do to survive.

As Drita stated about making choices, it’s true, each one of us have made choice, good and bad, but as you can see from the show and the choices we’ve all made in the area of dating have not been so great.

I do believe in love, dating and marriage…and forgiving others and that’s something a person has to work for and will rebuild trust.

To me, the most outrageous part of this episode was when Love revealed her breast. [Breasts, right? I mean, she does have two of 'em, right?]

They should be illegal. Lol.

The best quote of the episode was the moment I said “What does Carla want to do, Grey Poupon Renee?”

The best part of the show for me was the moment Drita’s daughter Aleeya knew she was going to visit her Dad in jail. Even though I’m not a fan of my childhood friend Drita’s husband Lee, I’m excited and happy that he will be reunited with his daughters. I feel it’s important for children to have their fathers in their lives even if they are incarcerated. It definitely makes a difference in a child’s upbringing.