Cosa Nostra News Free Ebook to All Who Join This Site
At nearly 35 pages, this free ebook -- which took me a long friggin time to put together! -- will be emailed FOR FREE to all my readers who join this site. It's simple enough to do: go down the right hand side of the web page until you see this:
Click Join this Site, and follow the instructions -- and this book will be emailed to you. It can be printed out, emailed to an iPad or read on your computer, whatever you want. As for my existing members, please email me to let me know if you would like a copy, at If anyone has trouble joining, please email me and let me know. If anyone really wants a copy but can't join, let me know, too.
Below is a copy of the cover. The ebook, which is in PDF format, includes many of the mobsters included on this site and includes some of the more popular stories as well as those made up primarily of original content (meaning I wrote them, versus linking to stories published elsewhere). Now, I could grow a brain and try to sell this on for $5 -- so hurry up and join, or if you're a member, email me -- 'cause I can't say how long this offer will stand!!!
Cosa Nostra News
What's going on in traditional organized crime in America
Click Join this Site, and follow the instructions -- and this book will be emailed to you. It can be printed out, emailed to an iPad or read on your computer, whatever you want. As for my existing members, please email me to let me know if you would like a copy, at If anyone has trouble joining, please email me and let me know. If anyone really wants a copy but can't join, let me know, too.
Below is a copy of the cover. The ebook, which is in PDF format, includes many of the mobsters included on this site and includes some of the more popular stories as well as those made up primarily of original content (meaning I wrote them, versus linking to stories published elsewhere). Now, I could grow a brain and try to sell this on for $5 -- so hurry up and join, or if you're a member, email me -- 'cause I can't say how long this offer will stand!!!
Cosa Nostra News
What's going on in traditional organized crime in America
This ebook is made up exclusively of copyright-protected content that has
appeared on the website titled Cosa Nostra News,
owned and operated by Ed Lieber
This ebook, freely distributed by copyrights holder, is comprised of a
selection of posts taken from the blog, which is exclusively focused on the
Italian Mafia in America. “La Cosa Nostra” is the official designation for
Italian organized crime in the U.S. by the FBI. The blog is located at